Nightwing #80: bringing Blüdhaven back to life

Nightwing is my favorite character in all of comics. Actually, Dick Grayson is just favorite character in all of comics, so whether he’s Nightwing, Robin, Batman, Agent 37, or… going by another name, he’s still at the top of the list in my book. I’ve long said that he had the same nobility and abilityContinue reading “Nightwing #80: bringing Blüdhaven back to life”

Exclusive preview: Suicide Squad #4

John Ostrander and Kim Yale’s Suicide Squad is one of my favorite comic series of all time. Over 68 issues, they leaned heavily into the high concept of the Squad: taking the DC Universe’s most notorious villains and sending them on deadly black-ops missions, all in the hopes of commuting their sentences. The series wasContinue reading “Exclusive preview: Suicide Squad #4”

It’s a good week for Spider-Man

Week in and week out, I read a lot of comics. Whether from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, BOOM!, or any other publisher, my reading list tends to get pretty full. Most weeks have a surprise or two here and there, but generally speaking I know what I’m going to get with my usual reads. ThisContinue reading “It’s a good week for Spider-Man”

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