Diamond Select Carnage Premier Collection resin statue review

There was a period of time in the Nineties when it seemed like Carnage was everywhere. As a crazier, more powerful offshoot of Venom– who himself was insanely popular during this time– Carnage had a great look and entertaining disposition that loaned itself to some truly memorable stories. This was a time when the storyContinue reading “Diamond Select Carnage Premier Collection resin statue review”

Insight Editions’ Spider-Man: From Amazing to Spectacular review

In the relatively short history of comic superheroes, I’d wager that more words have been written about Batman and Superman than any other character. Following closely behind in third place would be Spider-Man, I’d bet, which is quite impressive considering the World’s Finest from the Distinguished Competition each have a good twenty-year head start onContinue reading “Insight Editions’ Spider-Man: From Amazing to Spectacular review”

Diamond Select San Diego exclusive Nightcrawler and Miles Morales Spider-Man figures review

Ahh, San Diego. One of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever been to, with its amazing architecture, wonderful restaurants, and comfortable seaside climate. Oh, and also San Diego Comic-Con, The Comic Convention. While I certainly miss going each year, it’s just too expensive to prioritize the trip over other expenses, but hopefully I can returnContinue reading “Diamond Select San Diego exclusive Nightcrawler and Miles Morales Spider-Man figures review”

Spider-Man: A History & Celebration of the Web-Slinger, Decade by Decade review

It cannot be overstated how popular Spider-Man actually is. While it’s debatable which of DC Comics’ heroes is the most popular– Batman may be the bigger seller, but Superman is the template for superheroes– and Marvel has its fair share of popular characters, there is no question that Spider-Man is the Marvel hero. This isn’tContinue reading “Spider-Man: A History & Celebration of the Web-Slinger, Decade by Decade review”

Diamond Select Spider-Punk PVC Gallery diorama

Music and comics are two of my great loves. Combine them successfully and you can get some true magic, like Murder Falcon or that song about Metamorpho. Seriously. That song rules. That’s part of the appeal of Spider-Punk, one of the many, many Spider-Man counterparts from across the Spider-Verse. Take the classic Spidey suit, addContinue reading “Diamond Select Spider-Punk PVC Gallery diorama”

Diamond Select Mysterio Gallery diorama review

This might be a bold statement, but here goes: Mysterio has one of the best, most pure comic books designs of any character in the history of the medium. I mean, he looks so ridiculous. The fishbowl helmet. The huge yellow gauntlets. The weird eye cape clasps. The flowing purple cape itself. It is aContinue reading “Diamond Select Mysterio Gallery diorama review”

It’s a good week for Spider-Man

Week in and week out, I read a lot of comics. Whether from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, BOOM!, or any other publisher, my reading list tends to get pretty full. Most weeks have a surprise or two here and there, but generally speaking I know what I’m going to get with my usual reads. ThisContinue reading “It’s a good week for Spider-Man”

Comics Then: Amazing Fantasy #15

In 1962, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko– along with some concepts from the inimitable Jack Kirby– created a character who would change the comics landscape forever. Debuting in Amazing Fantasy #15, Spider-Man (or “Spiderman,” as he’s referred to in the story) was an immediate success. Combining elements of superheroic fantasy and even a bit ofContinue reading “Comics Then: Amazing Fantasy #15”

Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery Spider-Man: Homecoming PVC diorama review

Here’s the thing about Spider-Man: I’ve never really been a huge Spidey guy.  Oh, I definitely respect the character and his place in comics history, and I’ve enjoyed my share of Spider-Man comics, movies, and TV shows.  I like Spider-Man, but I’ve never really loved Spider-Man. Spider-Man: Homecoming made me love Spider-Man. Part of itContinue reading “Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery Spider-Man: Homecoming PVC diorama review”

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