Diamond Select Rogue and Gambit PVC dioramas review

Growing up, I loved watching X-Men cartoons. I wore out my VHS copy of Pryde of the X-Men, which to this day has one of the greatest cartoon theme songs ever written: Classic. That was only a single episode (and great arcade game), though, so for several years the X-Men animated series that debuted inContinue reading “Diamond Select Rogue and Gambit PVC dioramas review”

Diamond Select Beta Ray Bill PVC diorama review

Call me crazy, but when it comes to the “big three” Avengers– Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor– I like their… let’s say “alternate” looks more than their traditional outfits. No, I’m not saying Nomad is a better costume than the classic red, white, and blue on Cap, but U.S. Agent? Even if he kindContinue reading “Diamond Select Beta Ray Bill PVC diorama review”

Diamond Select Carnage Premier Collection resin statue review

There was a period of time in the Nineties when it seemed like Carnage was everywhere. As a crazier, more powerful offshoot of Venom– who himself was insanely popular during this time– Carnage had a great look and entertaining disposition that loaned itself to some truly memorable stories. This was a time when the storyContinue reading “Diamond Select Carnage Premier Collection resin statue review”

Marvel Black Panther Wakanda Atlas review

There are a number of things that make a fictional character great: a compelling origin; a great design; cool gadgets or power-set; exciting and memorable villains; a strong supporting cast. All of these ingredients combine to elevate what starts as an idea into a fully realized character. One thing that’s equally important, yet not alwaysContinue reading “Marvel Black Panther Wakanda Atlas review”

The 2021 Comic Pause Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas time is here. A time to celebrate the birth of Jesus by spending time with friends and family, watching Christmas movies, and giving gifts to those that we love. If you’re looking for a last minute gift idea for a comic and pop culture fan in your life– or need something on which toContinue reading “The 2021 Comic Pause Christmas Gift Guide”

Beta Ray Bill #4 review: cosmic storytelling with a genuine heart

Beta Ray Bill is a character of paradox. He’s a fearsome, mighty warrior, yet he’s humble and willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good of his people. He has a frightening, almost monstrous appearance that would lead one to think he’s a villainous threat, and yet he’s a noble, pure-hearted champion who is worthyContinue reading “Beta Ray Bill #4 review: cosmic storytelling with a genuine heart”

Daredevil #31 review: another example of consistent excellence

For more than two years now, over the course of 31 issues and counting, Daredevil has pulled off a pretty tricky feat: it’s a superhero book with very little of the titular hero. Now, Daredevil– and more specifically, Matt Murdock– has been a consistent presence from day one, and in every single issue. It’s hisContinue reading “Daredevil #31 review: another example of consistent excellence”

Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select Daredevil action figure review

If you know me, you know that I’ve been a “DC guy” for most of my life. I like Marvel comics and characters, absolutely, but I’ve read more DC comics in my lifetime than any other publisher by far, and maybe even put together. As much as I enjoy different properties across several mediums, IContinue reading “Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select Daredevil action figure review”

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