Diamond Select Doctor Strange Legends in 3-D bust review

Over the course of dozens of films, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced audiences to an astonishing number of characters, some of whom I never though would ever reach the big screen let alone become household names. Seriously, who ever though that characters like Mantis, Ulysses Klaue, and M.O.D.O.K. would be recognized by the moviegoingContinue reading “Diamond Select Doctor Strange Legends in 3-D bust review”

Diamond Select Toys Daredevil: Woman Without Fear Minimates review

In the past few years, I have amassed for myself a fairly decent collection of Daredevil items, mainly action figures and general collectibles. As a fan of ol’ hornhead I’m always on the lookout for more, and frankly? The more unique the better. Diamond Select’s line of Minimates are always fun little figures, with interchangeableContinue reading “Diamond Select Toys Daredevil: Woman Without Fear Minimates review”

Diamond Select Rogue and Gambit PVC dioramas review

Growing up, I loved watching X-Men cartoons. I wore out my VHS copy of Pryde of the X-Men, which to this day has one of the greatest cartoon theme songs ever written: Classic. That was only a single episode (and great arcade game), though, so for several years the X-Men animated series that debuted inContinue reading “Diamond Select Rogue and Gambit PVC dioramas review”

The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline book review

The Marvel Cinematic Universe accomplished an incredible feat, no matter how you look at it: starting things off with a movie about a character that didn’t have much mainstream recognition, the franchise blossomed into a massive, interconnected series telling one big story. It was a gamble that paid off, giving us some truly fantastic films,Continue reading “The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline book review”

Diamond Select Daredevil resin bust review

I’ve said it time and time again, but it bears repeating: when it comes to Marvel characters, Daredevil is my dude. Like, well ahead of anyone else. There are lots of Marvel characters I like, even love, but I’ve never really gotten into any aside from ol’ horn head. So when my pals at DiamondContinue reading “Diamond Select Daredevil resin bust review”

Marvel Select Elektra and Black Panther action figures review

When it comes to action figures and collectibles, fans of Marvel characters have plenty to choose from these days. As always, Diamond Select are ahead of the pack when it comes to variety, value, and– most importantly– quality. Their line of Marvel Select figures in particular have a consistently great selection of characters, from theContinue reading “Marvel Select Elektra and Black Panther action figures review”

Random Robin: DC/Marvel All Access #2

Welcome to Random Robin, where I flip a coin, open a longbox, and pick a random issue of Tim Drake’s Robin solo series and other notable issues. Here’s what I’m reading this time: DC/Marvel All Access Issue #2 First-time reading: Yep Almost a year ago now, minus just a few weeks, I kicked off thisContinue reading “Random Robin: DC/Marvel All Access #2”

Diamond Select Beta Ray Bill PVC diorama review

Call me crazy, but when it comes to the “big three” Avengers– Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor– I like their… let’s say “alternate” looks more than their traditional outfits. No, I’m not saying Nomad is a better costume than the classic red, white, and blue on Cap, but U.S. Agent? Even if he kindContinue reading “Diamond Select Beta Ray Bill PVC diorama review”

Diamond Select Carnage Premier Collection resin statue review

There was a period of time in the Nineties when it seemed like Carnage was everywhere. As a crazier, more powerful offshoot of Venom– who himself was insanely popular during this time– Carnage had a great look and entertaining disposition that loaned itself to some truly memorable stories. This was a time when the storyContinue reading “Diamond Select Carnage Premier Collection resin statue review”

Insight Editions’ Marvel Eat the Universe: The Official Cookbook review

What’s this? Another cookbook? It sure is, true believers, and man is it a good one. Recently I reviewed Insight Editions’ Wakanda Cookbook, which was wonderful both in its composition and the recipes it contained: written like an actual collection of recipes used in the courts of Wakanda, it was full of delicious spices, sauces,Continue reading “Insight Editions’ Marvel Eat the Universe: The Official Cookbook review”

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