The Comic Pause 2023 Christmas Gift Guide

It’s Christmastime, and that means gift-giving, shopping lists, and above all celebrating the birth of our Savior. If you need a few ideas of what to get a friend or loved one, or want to spend some Christmas cash on something for yourself, I have just a few great ideas here to get your holidayContinue reading “The Comic Pause 2023 Christmas Gift Guide”

Insight Editions’ Lilo & Stitch: The Official Cookbook review

It’s incredibly difficult creating an original character, and even moreso having that character transcend the source material and become an instantly-identifiable personality. For every Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, or Buzz Lightyear, there are countless other characters who become cult favorites at best, or fade into obscurity at worst. Not that there’s anything wrong with aContinue reading “Insight Editions’ Lilo & Stitch: The Official Cookbook review”

Insight Editions’ Studio Ghibli Cookbook review

In the history of animation, there’s hardly a studio that has been as beloved as Studio Ghibli. Founded in Japan by the acclaimed animators Hayao Miyazaki, Toshio Suzuki, and Isao Takahata, Studio Ghibli has one of the most impressive track records of any film studio, regardless of the medium. Boasting an impressive stable of filmsContinue reading “Insight Editions’ Studio Ghibli Cookbook review”

Insight Editions’ The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Cookbook review

When I think back on my life, a question comes to mind, in the vein of the “chicken or the egg” scenario. For me specifically, I wonder what came first: my love of pizza, or my love of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? While I don’t remember my first slice of pizza, I do rememberContinue reading “Insight Editions’ The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Cookbook review”

Insight Editions’ Spider-Man: From Amazing to Spectacular review

In the relatively short history of comic superheroes, I’d wager that more words have been written about Batman and Superman than any other character. Following closely behind in third place would be Spider-Man, I’d bet, which is quite impressive considering the World’s Finest from the Distinguished Competition each have a good twenty-year head start onContinue reading “Insight Editions’ Spider-Man: From Amazing to Spectacular review”

Insight Editions’ Marvel Eat the Universe: The Official Cookbook review

What’s this? Another cookbook? It sure is, true believers, and man is it a good one. Recently I reviewed Insight Editions’ Wakanda Cookbook, which was wonderful both in its composition and the recipes it contained: written like an actual collection of recipes used in the courts of Wakanda, it was full of delicious spices, sauces,Continue reading “Insight Editions’ Marvel Eat the Universe: The Official Cookbook review”

Insight Editions’ Black Panther: The Official Wakanda Cookbook review

It goes without saying, but everyone needs to eat. At the bare minimum, to continue surviving and living, you need sustenance to fuel you. But eating is about so much more than mere survival. Eating is something to be enjoyed, from savoring every last bite of your favorite meal to breaking bread and fellowshipping withContinue reading “Insight Editions’ Black Panther: The Official Wakanda Cookbook review”

Insight Editions’ Marvel Anatomy review

Comic characters come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You’ve got heroes that range from short to tall, lean to buff, and anything in between and even beyond. And that’s just talking about the humanoid characters, not those guys like the Thing or Nightcrawler who have non-human yet nonetheless striking features. And sure, theseContinue reading “Insight Editions’ Marvel Anatomy review”

The 2021 Comic Pause Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas time is here. A time to celebrate the birth of Jesus by spending time with friends and family, watching Christmas movies, and giving gifts to those that we love. If you’re looking for a last minute gift idea for a comic and pop culture fan in your life– or need something on which toContinue reading “The 2021 Comic Pause Christmas Gift Guide”

“Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns, and Moonage Daydreams” review: a visual timeline of the early career of the Thin White Duke

Everybody has their favorite member of “rock royalty,” along with their first exposure to the artist’s music. Sometimes the love and appreciation comes on fast and strong, taking hold in the listener’s heart and mind after a single strummed chord or belted vocal. With others, it’s a gradual build, like a slow bridge that crescendosContinue reading ““Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns, and Moonage Daydreams” review: a visual timeline of the early career of the Thin White Duke”

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