Diamond Select Iron Man, Black Widow, and Black Panther resin figures review

The Avengers. They’re Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, a team made up of some of the greatest characters in the entire Marvel Universe. They’ve faced a myriad of threats over more than sixty years of publishing history, and have spearheaded a multi-billion dollar film franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thanks to their presence in different typesContinue reading “Diamond Select Iron Man, Black Widow, and Black Panther resin figures review”

Marvel Select Elektra and Black Panther action figures review

When it comes to action figures and collectibles, fans of Marvel characters have plenty to choose from these days. As always, Diamond Select are ahead of the pack when it comes to variety, value, and– most importantly– quality. Their line of Marvel Select figures in particular have a consistently great selection of characters, from theContinue reading “Marvel Select Elektra and Black Panther action figures review”

Insight Editions’ Black Panther: The Official Wakanda Cookbook review

It goes without saying, but everyone needs to eat. At the bare minimum, to continue surviving and living, you need sustenance to fuel you. But eating is about so much more than mere survival. Eating is something to be enjoyed, from savoring every last bite of your favorite meal to breaking bread and fellowshipping withContinue reading “Insight Editions’ Black Panther: The Official Wakanda Cookbook review”

Marvel Black Panther Wakanda Atlas review

There are a number of things that make a fictional character great: a compelling origin; a great design; cool gadgets or power-set; exciting and memorable villains; a strong supporting cast. All of these ingredients combine to elevate what starts as an idea into a fully realized character. One thing that’s equally important, yet not alwaysContinue reading “Marvel Black Panther Wakanda Atlas review”

“Marvel Action: Black Panther” #1 is an all-ages comic that tackles some real-world issues

Comics are kind of a crazy medium. With so many publishers, characters, and history, it’s often quite hard for new readers to jump in. Even for longtime fans it can be tough pinpointing stories or runs that hold up on their own, without the need to know what happened in the issues before and afterContinue reading ““Marvel Action: Black Panther” #1 is an all-ages comic that tackles some real-world issues”

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