Diamond Select Iron Man, Black Widow, and Black Panther resin figures review

The Avengers. They’re Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, a team made up of some of the greatest characters in the entire Marvel Universe. They’ve faced a myriad of threats over more than sixty years of publishing history, and have spearheaded a multi-billion dollar film franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thanks to their presence in different typesContinue reading “Diamond Select Iron Man, Black Widow, and Black Panther resin figures review”

Gentle Giant and Diamond Select Marvel animated-style statues review

X-Men. Marvel’s Merry Mutants. The Avengers. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Two of the most widely recognized superhero teams in all of fiction, and with good reason. The X-Men are a group of superpowers mutants, each with their own unique powers, abilities, and appearances, with a story that allows for some very rich commentary. The Avengers areContinue reading “Gentle Giant and Diamond Select Marvel animated-style statues review”

Diamond Select Marvel Movies Minimates review

Comic book movies are all the rage, I’m sure you’ve heard. Marvel properties in particular are pretty popular, what with the Marvel Cinematic Universe that encompasses film and television, and will seemingly go on well beyond all of our natural lives. But it’s not just family-friendly fare from Marvel, as the very much R-rated filmsContinue reading “Diamond Select Marvel Movies Minimates review”

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