Diamond Select Spider-Punk PVC Gallery diorama

Music and comics are two of my great loves. Combine them successfully and you can get some true magic, like Murder Falcon or that song about Metamorpho. Seriously. That song rules. That’s part of the appeal of Spider-Punk, one of the many, many Spider-Man counterparts from across the Spider-Verse. Take the classic Spidey suit, addContinue reading “Diamond Select Spider-Punk PVC Gallery diorama”

Diamond Select The Rocketeer Premier Collection Resin Statue review

By now, my love for the Rocketeer is known, and should not come as a surprise to anyone. It’s a film that I will always champion as a grand entertainment, one of those classic adventures that harkens back to 1940s film serials where the heroes are good, the villains are bad (and probably Nazis), andContinue reading “Diamond Select The Rocketeer Premier Collection Resin Statue review”

Diamond Select Superman Ascendant PVC diorama review

Over the last several years, I’ve been going from being a “Batman guy” to a “Superman guy.” While I still love Batman, there’s just something about Superman that’s more and more appealing to me. Maybe it’s the fact that as I get older, I’d rather read about a character who inspires goodness in people, andContinue reading “Diamond Select Superman Ascendant PVC diorama review”

Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select Daredevil action figure review

If you know me, you know that I’ve been a “DC guy” for most of my life. I like Marvel comics and characters, absolutely, but I’ve read more DC comics in my lifetime than any other publisher by far, and maybe even put together. As much as I enjoy different properties across several mediums, IContinue reading “Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select Daredevil action figure review”

Diamond Select DC Gallery Wonder Woman 1984 PVC diorama review

Don your Members Only jacket and put on some New Order, because the year is 1984, and Wonder Woman is back to save the day. With the hit film Wonder Woman 1984 now on Blu-Ray, surely there’s a hankering for some great Wonder Woman merchandise out there. Well dudes, look no further, as Diamond SelectContinue reading “Diamond Select DC Gallery Wonder Woman 1984 PVC diorama review”

Diamond Select Mysterio Gallery diorama review

This might be a bold statement, but here goes: Mysterio has one of the best, most pure comic books designs of any character in the history of the medium. I mean, he looks so ridiculous. The fishbowl helmet. The huge yellow gauntlets. The weird eye cape clasps. The flowing purple cape itself. It is aContinue reading “Diamond Select Mysterio Gallery diorama review”

Diamond Select Justice League Premier Collection Superman resin statue review

For years, I’ve been known as a Batman guy. And to a degree, that’s true. I mean, I love Batman. I’ve read more comics featuring Batman than just about any other character. Heck, I’ve written more about Batman than I have any other character. But I don’t love just Batman. I love comics in general,Continue reading “Diamond Select Justice League Premier Collection Superman resin statue review”

DC Classic Movie Gallery Batman 1989 PVC Diorama review

Look, I’m all about writing preambles to contextualize the subjects of my reviews and editorial pieces. I like to do it, because I like “taking shop” about comics and superheroes and other aspects of popular culture. But come on. This is Batman. Specifically, this is Batman from Tim Burton’s seminal 1989 film. It’s one ofContinue reading “DC Classic Movie Gallery Batman 1989 PVC Diorama review”

Diamond Select The Rocketeer action figure review

There are a ton of movies that have come out over the years that should have spawned an entire franchise, but unfortunately didn’t. For every Star Wars of Raiders of the Lost Ark, you have a John Carter or a Dredd or a Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. The early 1990s was rifeContinue reading “Diamond Select The Rocketeer action figure review”

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