Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select Daredevil action figure review

If you know me, you know that I’ve been a “DC guy” for most of my life. I like Marvel comics and characters, absolutely, but I’ve read more DC comics in my lifetime than any other publisher by far, and maybe even put together. As much as I enjoy different properties across several mediums, I never really found a single character that I could point to and say “that’s my favorite Marvel character.”

But there was something about Daredevil. Even without having read any Daredevil comics, there was just something that drew me to the character. Oddly enough, it was his reimagining in Neil Gaiman, Andy Kubert, and Richard Isanove’s 1602 that grabbed my attention. A blind, acrobatic bard? He was cool and compelling, and planted a seed of admiration for the Man Without Fear.

Fast forward almost two decades and I finally started to read me some Daredevil comics and I can definitively say that, yes, he is far and away my favorite Marvel character. I still dig guys like Nightcrawler and Beta Ray Bill have enjoyed some isolated runs on different series, but Daredevil’s name on a book will grab my attention and make me want to read his adventures.

This love has also extended to to collectibles, as I’ve amassed a small collection of Daredevil statues and action figures. To give you an idea, I have the Marvel Legends figures with Murdock’s original yellow suit and his black costume from Charles Soule’s run, the recent “Spider-Man throwback” figure in the armor designed by Scott McDaniel, and even the 3.75” Retro figure that’s getting harder and harder to find.

There’s one figure I’ve not been able to find, though, and that’s the Marvel Legends DD in his standard red togs, what on account of it being incredibly expensive and hard to find.

And that’s where Diamond Select Toys have come to the rescue, with their own Marvel Select Daredevil action figure.

Measuring seven inches or so, the action figure has a sculpt and build that is comparable to Marvel Legends figures, with a few perks of its own to set itself apart. Most notably is the stunning packaging, which is rather large but is adorned with some great Daredevil details. From the cool overlapping Ds logo to that stunning Joe Quesada, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Tyson Wengler art on the side and back, it’s practically ready for display in the box.

Take the figure out, though, and you’re greeted with a great Daredevil toy. It’s well-articulated, with joints at the ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows along with those typically found at the shoulders, neck, and hips. That makes posability a breeze, which is important for a character as acrobatic as Daredevil.

The paint application is stellar too, with the two different reds used on the bodysuit, boots, gloves, and detailing complementing each other nicely. It’s strange that a character like Daredevil has a costume that’s pretty much one solid color, but it’s not the least bit boring or garish. It translates well to 3-D figures as well, particularly when they’re crafted as well as this one.

The figure includes a “billy club” accessory that is made to look like a nunchaku, along with a large ornate cross like you’d find on an old church cathedral. If I have a single complaint, it’s that the club accessory wasn’t molded like the standard cane or that Daredevil typically carries, and that the leg holster is molded shut so the piece can’t be stored. Still, a minor gripe at most, and the action figure and beautifully detailed cross more than make up for it.

So yeah, while I’ll keep looking and adding to my Daredevil action figure collection, this piece from Diamond is a welcome addition to the ranks. It’s wonderfully sculpted, has great playability, and at $29.99, it’s relatively affordable.

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