Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery Captain Marvel PVC figure review

Carol Danvers has gone through quite a few changes over the years.  Originally an officer in the United States Air Force, she became imbued with superpowers after she was exposed to Kree DNA.  Taking the name Ms. Marvel, she became a superhero of her own and went adventuring for the better part of two decades.  Eventually, her powers were drained by the mutant Rogue, and she took on several different names and power sets before finally taking up the name Ms. Marvel once more.  In recent history, she’s shed the “Ms.” and has traveled the stars as Captain Marvel, proving she is one of Marvel’s most powerful and popular characters.

With a feature film due out next year, Danvers is set to break out into even more mainstream success, and that includes all manner of merchandise.  Diamond Select Toys recognize the popularity of the character and have released a PVC figure of her as part of their Marvel Gallery line.  Being the good folks that they are, Diamond have sent us one of the figures for review.

As per usual, this Diamond Select figure comes packaged in a high quality, sturdy box.  It’s bright and colorful, and I particularly like the repeated “Captain Marvel” text on the inside of the packaging.  It’s a nice little touch.

The figure is around nine inches in height, perched atop a sturdy base that looks similar to the Nova Corps logo.  Carol herself is in a relaxed pose, looking as if she’s floating down to the ground with her hands held loosely at her side.  It’s dynamic on its own, exuding an air of confidence and authority while still hinting at deep reserves of strength and power. 

The detailing on her costume is solid, with a slightly raised golden emblem on her chest and piping going around her shoulders to her back.  It breaks up the solid reds and blues of her suit and makes it look like an actual uniform, not a second skin.  The zipper line going down the front of the suit just adds to that, and like a lot of the finer details on this figure, it’s an element that could have easily been overlooked or discarded.

Her facial expression is calm with maybe the slightest hint of a smirk on her lips.  I like how lifelike her eyes look, and the thin black outline makes them pop against her skin.  The hair is what grabbed my attention first, though, with a nice messy style that almost looks windswept.  Taken with the pose the character is in and you can certainly imagine she’s flying in the air with the wind rushing about her. 

Carol’s gloves and boots have nice gold studs inlaid along the sides, and the sash about her waist is accented by a large gold buckle.  They may not be flashy or huge details, but they could have easily been looked over in the application phase as well.  Diamond’s attention to detail shows in that even the smallest parts of a character’s design get implemented in their figures.

Given that these pieces are so affordable, it would be easy to think that there would be some cutting of corners.  That’s not the case at all, though, as pieces like Captain Marvel here look great even when compared to statues and figures that retail for four or five times the price.  The Captain Marvel PVC figure is available from the Diamond website for $45, affordable for any and every fan of Carol Danvers. 

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