Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery Spider-Man: Homecoming PVC diorama review

Here’s the thing about Spider-Man: I’ve never really been a huge Spidey guy.  Oh, I definitely respect the character and his place in comics history, and I’ve enjoyed my share of Spider-Man comics, movies, and TV shows.  I like Spider-Man, but I’ve never really loved Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: Homecoming made me love Spider-Man.

Part of it was seeing Spider-Man working within a larger Marvel universe, and part of it was the sheer, infectious joy Tom Holland brought to his performance.  For the first time, I wanted to be Spider-Man.

As part of their excellent Marvel Gallery collection, Diamond Select Toys have a PVC diorama of the Homecoming Spider-Man.  With an insane attention to detail and multiple ways it can be displayed, this is one of the coolest pieces Diamond have to offer.  And that’s saying a lot.

The diorama comes in a nice, high quality box that has multiple different Spider-Man logos.  If that seems weird, just remember that Spider-Man himself has like three different spider motifs going on at one time.  It’s on brand.

The figure is depicted clinging to a brick wall, and man, this thing is loaded with detail.  Spider-Man himself looks perfect, with the webbing on the costume and texturing on the bodysuit making for a pitch perfect visual.  Like the suit in the movie, it is a tad busier than the already busy suit from the comics, but the extra detailing isn’t really distracting.  In fact, it looks pretty nice on the statue, giving a little bit of a contrast and color break to the boots, gloves, and back of the suit.

Aside from the suit, the figure itself is constructed incredibly well.  He doesn’t look like he’s just a static piece glued to a wall; no, Spidey looks like he’s actually hanging on the wall, ready to jump off and websling away.  His acrobatic pose is incredibly dynamic, and the way his ankles are bent and his fingers are splayed against the brick wall just enhances the scene.

The wall itself is plenty great on its own, too.  The stonework is stunningly realized, looking as if it were really part of an old building.  I loved the texturing on the wall as well as the use of different colored “stones” in the construction.  The presence of a protruding ledge and obvious windowpanes add to the realism, evoking the idea of an old cathedral or church building.  There is a detachable base, shaped like a spider, that’s a little curious but doesn’t look too out of place.  When attached it helps the diorama stand up, but there’s also a hole on the back where to piece can be hung on a wall.  If nothing else, that might be the coolest feature right there.

I have quite a few pieces from Diamond, and while they’re all great, this diorama is one of the most unique items they have.  It’s a perfect Spider-Man likeness, so fans of the character are sure to love it, and the fact that you can display it both on a shelf or hanging on the wall opens up all sorts of possibilities.  Have some other dioramas it looks nice next to?  Set it next to them.  Running out of shelf space?  Hang it up for a truly authentic Spidey experience.

The diorama is available for $45 directly from the Diamond website.

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