Diamond Select Toys DC Gallery Batman: The Animated Series Robin PVC figure review

Batman: The Animated Series is responsible for helping an entire generation fall in love with the Dark Knight.  While I love Batman quite a bit, it’s Robin I’ve always felt a particular kinship with.  After all, he gets to hang out with Batman.  How cool is that?  It’s one thing to say you’re Batman and it’s another to be able to say that Batman is your best friend/father figure.

I’m not alone in my appreciation for the Boy Wonder, either, as even today he’s one of the most popular and most recognizable figures in pop culture.  While he may not have quite as much merch as the Batman, Robin is no stranger to toy aisles.  As they’re wont to do, the folks over at Diamond Select Toys have crafted a stellar Robin statue for their DC Gallery line of PVC figures, and it’s hands-down one of their best offerings, and one of my favorite pieces of Robin merchandise I’ve ever seen.  Adapting the Dick Grayson Robin from the original Batman: The Animated Series run, this figure is the perfect piece for fans of the Boy Wonder.

Like most Diamond statues and figures, Robin is packaged in a high quality, quite attractive box.  There are three plastic windows so you can get a good look at the figure within, and the branding on the box itself is clear and easy to read.  I particularly love the Batman: The Animated Series logo that’s displayed prominently on the top.  With so many great memories associated with the show, it’s never an unwelcome sight to see that icon.

Robin measures about a foot in height, from the bottom of the base to the top of his head.  Like the Batman figure, the paint application and sculpting makes it look like Robin jumped right off the screen.  The iconic reds and greens of the suit pop off the figure, and the detailing is nice in all the right places.  It’s not overly busy, nor should it be, since the Animated Series designs are so streamlined. 

Robin’s belt and ‘R’ chest emblem are particular standouts, and the tussled hair and care-free smile just scream Dick Grayson.  His cape isn’t quite as voluminous and vibrant as the Batman figure, but it hangs off his shoulders nicely and has a nice yellow interior the complements the reds on the costume.  He’s unfortunately on a fairly plain base that’s identical to the one on the Batman figure, but that’s more than made up for with his dynamic pose and incredibly cool accessory.  Which leads us to…

The twirling bolo.  This thing looks amazing.  It’s a detachable disc that connects to Robin’s right hand, and it just looks so cool on the figure.  The bolo itself is a neat enough accessory for Robin, with the line held between each hand creating a neat visual, and the illusion of movement the plate displays really sets the figure over the top.  It genuinely looks like Robin is twirling the weapon, making for one of the most unique accessories Diamond have included with any of their PVC figures.  The disc attaches to his right hand via a small peg, too, so no need to worry about it breaking.

Everything about this figure looks great: the pose, the facial expression, the colors, the included accessory.  Everything.  As a big fan of Robin, I may be a tad biased, but truly, this figure is a great addition to any collection.  It retails for $45, so it’s practically a steal considering how great it looks, and can be ordered directly from the Diamond website.

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